Welcome to Video Pictures
my corner of the world wide webspace.
Welcome 2 my Blog!
In other words, the personal musings of a generally pop cultured individual.
Greetings & Salutations,
Thanks for checking out my page. I’m new to this so this is all subject to change.
Welcome to my corner of the greater world wide webspace. Here we will discuss the way in which media & its consumption relates to human behavior.
Now, that’s a pretty vague topic. The way I see it, I could literally use this space to talk and openly express my feelings about whatever I feel like. TV being my main form of entertainment, might take the cake for coverage but here and there I’ll discuss movies and other forms of media as well.
Hope you enjoy it, or not, either way I’ll be here rambling.
The Who, What, Where, Why and How?
Since I was a little kid I’ve always obsessively watched and analyzed a lot of TV. When Netflix became a streaming source I was 15 years old and so my bingeing began. I don’t even know how many shows I’ve watched by now but it’s definitely hundreds (lol). Anywho, my name is Diva and I study film as well and have a background in photography. I like to write notes when I watch stuff. I took a class called Intro to Mass Media, in which we learned about the concept of ‘communication through shared meaning’ and this is my way of doing just that.
A Work in Progress
Seeing as I literally haven’t ran a ‘blog’ since the good ol’ days of 2009 Tumblr and beyond, I need to take it easy on myself. I have a chronic illness which makes it hard to get by most days. So bare with me while I figure out what works for me with this platform. For now, enjoy the essays I’ve written for school. We all have to start somewhere :)